Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fun Facts About Cupcakes

The first talk about “cupcakes” can be traced back to 1796, when a recipe of “a cake to be baked in small cups “ was writted in a book by Amelia Simms. The earliest use of the term “cupcake” was in “Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats” in 1828.
Cupcakes (and other baked goodies) are banned in New York City’s schools as a way of curtailing rising obesity rates.
Cupcake liners do more than make it easy to remove them from the pan. Traditionally, sides of tins are greased for easy removal, but also floured because the batter needs to have something to cling to. A cupcake liner takes care of both.
Suzanne Rutland claims to have eaten over 50,000 Hostess cupcakes and even founded a Hostess Cup Cake Club. This iconic cupcake has been around since 1919, but became hugely popular with the addition of a creamy filling in 1950.

Several attempts have been made to create the World’s Largest Cupcake. However, by definition, these would indeed just be large cakes iced together mimicking the classic fluted shape of the true small stature of a cupcake. The current holder of the record: for their 1224-lb., 2 million calorie creation baked on August 15, 2009.
If giant cupcakes are imposters, then the World’s Smallest Cupcake is a sure winner.
Baked in Great Britain in celebration of National Cupcake Week, this mini-mini measured 1.5 centimeters high and 3 centimeters wide.

While not edible, the $25,000 cupcake car featured by Neiman-Marcus in 2009 is perhaps the oddest cupcake.
29 cupcakes in 30 seconds is the record for eating the little treats.
A resurgence in the popularity of the red velvet cupcake is partly attributed to the 1989 film Steel Magnolias in which the groom's cake (a southern tradition) is a red velvet cake made in the shape of an armadillo.
One of the most popular cupcake bakery's in the U.S. is Crumbs in New York City. They have reported $23.5 million in cupcake revenue last year alone!
1 cupcake without frosting averages about 130 calories. Low fat varieties have also come out so that we can enjoy the tasty delight not worrying about our fat intake.
Cupcakes can come in many varieties. Some cupcakes can contain fruit like banana and blueberry cupcakes. Some contain vegetables like carrot cupcakes. Some can contain cheese, butter or chocolate.
Cupcake baking pans are available in three sizes. Small (mini), medium (regular), and large. This variety allows for experimentation with different cupcake forms. Recipes on this site can be baked in any size pan, although the baking time will need to be adjusted for mini and large pans.
Mini cupcakes usually take 5-7 minutes less than medium-size cupcakes and large cupcakes usually take 5-10 minutes more.


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